RT Book, Section A1 Murtagh, John A1 Rosenblatt, Jill A1 Coleman, Justin A1 Murtagh, Clare SR Print(0) ID 1157738730 T1 Emergency care T2 Murtagh's General Practice, 7e YR 2018 FD 2018 PB McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PP Sydney, Australia SN 9781760422295 LK murtagh.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1157738730 RD 2024/09/17 AB When Elisha arrived, he went alone into the room and saw the boy lying dead on the bed. He closed the door and prayed to the Lord. Then he lay down on the boy, placing his mouth, eyes and hands on the boy’s mouth, eyes and hands. As he lay stretched out over the boy, the boy’s body started to get warm—the boy sneezed seven times and then opened his eyes.II KINGS 4: 32–5 (A MIRACLE OR SUCCESSFUL ARTIFICIAL RESUSCITATION?)