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A common benign group of papules arranged in an annular fashion.

  • Most common among children and young adults

  • Associated with diabetes

  • Usually on dorsum or sides of fingers (knuckle area), backs of hands, the elbows and knees


  • Check urine/blood for sugar

  • Give reassurance (they usually subside in a yr or so)

  • Cosmetic reasons:

    • – First line: potent topical corticosteroid ± occlusion apply bd for min. 4–6 wks

    • – If ineffective: intradermal injection into the extending outer margin of triamcinolone (equal vol. 10% with N saline). Other long-acting steroids can be used. Can repeat at 6 wkly intervals if effective.

  • If disseminated: refer for a systemic therapy.

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