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Usually elderly patient complaining of a chronic gritty sensation—due to reduced tear secretion. Three main preparations for treatment:

  • lubricating drops (e.g. polyvinyl alcohol solution or hypromellose 0.5%)

  • lubricating gels or ointments (e.g. Poly Visc, Duratears)

  • tear stimulating drops (e.g. Thera Tears, Cellufresh)

Other tips:

  • Bathe regularly with clean water.

  • Use room humidifiers where there is dry heating.

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Table E7 The red and tender eye: diagnostic strategy model

Probability diagnosis


  • bacterial

  • adenovirus

  • allergic

Serious disorders not to be missed

Acute glaucoma


  • acute iritis

  • choroiditis

Corneal ulcer

Herpes simplex keratitis

Microbiol keratitis, e.g. fungal, amoeba, bacteria

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus

Penetrating injury


Orbital cellulitis


Pitfalls (often missed)


Foreign body

Trauma—contusion, penetrating injury

Ultraviolet light ‘keratitis’


Cavernous sinus arteriovenous fistula

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