We can say with some assurance that, although children may be the victims of fate, they will not be the victims of our neglect.
JOHN F KENNEDY (1917–1963)
Important serious emergencies in children include:
trauma, especially head injuries and intra-abdominal injuries
painful conditions
swallowed foreign bodies (FB)
respiratory problems:
– bronchial asthma
– epiglottitis
– croup
– inhaled FB
– acute bronchiolitis
severe gastroenteritis
septicaemia (e.g. meningococcal septicaemia)
bites and stings
febrile convulsions
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and apparent life-threatening episode (ALTE)
child abuse:
– emotional
– physical
– sexual
– neglect
– potential
psychogenic disturbances
The author’s study analysed emergencies into three groups:1 preschool (0–5 years), primary school (6–12), adolescence (13–17).
The commonest emergency calls in the 0–5 years group were poisoning, accidents and violence, dyspnoea, fever/rigors, convulsions, abdominal pain, earache, vomiting.
In the 6–12 years age group: accidents and violence, dyspnoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, acute allergy, bites and stings, earache.
In the 13–17 years age group: accidents and violence, abdominal pain, psychogenic disorders, acute allergy, bites and stings, epistaxis.
Babies who are febrile, drowsy and pale are at very high risk and require hospital admission.
The busy GP will see many sick children in a day’s work, especially in the winter months with the epidemic of URTIs. It is vital to be able to recognise the very sick child who requires special attention, including admission to hospital. It is unlikely that the commonplace robust, lustily crying, hot, red-faced child is seriously ill but the pale, quiet, whimpering child spells danger. These rules are particularly helpful in the assessment of babies under six months of age.2,3 The presence of a fever in itself is not necessarily an indication of serious illness but rather that the baby has an infection.2
The features of a very sick infant include:
Inactive, lying quietly, uninterested
Increased respiratory rate
Increased work of breathing
Noisy breathing:
– chest wall or sternal retraction
– wheezes, grunting, stridor
Sunken eyes
Cold, pale skin
Cold extremities
Poor perfusion (reduced capillary refill time)
A Melbourne study4 of the sensitivity of clinical signs in detecting serious illness in infants identified five key signs or markers:
If sepsis suspected, investigate with:
blood culture
lumbar puncture
urine culture
chest X-ray
Serious infectious illnesses to consider include: