Weight loss is an important symptom because it usually implies a serious underlying disorder, either organic or functional.
Key history Document the weight loss carefully and evaluate the patient’s recordings. Determine food intake and obtain the help of an independent witness such as a spouse or parent (if possible). Food intake may be reduced with psychogenic disorders and cancer but increase with endocrine disorders such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism, and with steatorrhoea.
vital parameters (e.g. BMI, pulse, BP, temperature, urine analysis [dipstick])
thyroid and signs of hyperthyroidism
abdominal examination (e.g. organomegaly, masses)
rectal examination
look for acid dental erosion on surface of upper teeth (bulimia)
Red flag pointers for weight loss
Weight loss per se is a big red flag
Rapid weight loss with malaise
Acid dental erosion on surfaces of upper teeth: think bulimia
Weakness and malaise in young females: consider eating disorder and hypokalaemia
Evidence of abuse in a child
Characterised by the obsessive pursuit of thinness through dieting with extreme weight loss and disturbance of body image. It has the highest mortality and suicide rate of any psychiatric disorder. Refer to the SCOFF screening tool.
Adolescent and young adult females
Up to 1% incidence among 16-yr-old schoolgirls
Bimodal age of onset: 13–14 and 17–18 yrs
Unknown cause
Sallow, dry and scaly skin, hair loss
↑ Lanugo body hair
Bulimia is episodic secretive binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting, fasting or the use of laxatives or diuretics. There are 2 types: purging and non-purging (fasting + excessive exercise)
Typical clinical features
Young females
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