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Some species of ticks are very dangerous so it is mandatory to remove the embedded tick, which should be totally removed, incl. the mouthparts. Be careful with children <5 yrs—usually in scalp and behind ear. Do not attempt to grab the tick by its body and tug.

First aid outdoor removal method

Loop a strong thin thread, e.g. dental floss, around the head (as a half-hitch lasso) as close to the skin as possible then pull sharply with a twisting motion. A pyrethrin-based spray may help subdue the tick.

Office procedure

  • Infiltrate a small amount of LA in the skin around the site of embedment

  • With a number 11 or 15 scalpel blade make the necessary very small excision, incl. the mouthparts of the tick, to ensure total removal

  • The small defect can usually be closed with a Band-Aid (or Steri-Strips)

  • Careful observation required after removal

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