Caused by Clostridium tetani; up to 20% of patients have no observable entry wound.
Prodrome: fever, malaise, headache
Trismus (patient cannot close mouth)
Risus sardonicus (a grin-like effect from hypertonic facial muscles)
Opisthotonus (arched trunk with hyperextended neck)
Spasms, precipitated by minimal stimuli
Differential diagnosis: phenothiazine toxicity, strychnine poisoning, rabies.
Refer immediately to expert centre. Give tetanus antitoxoid + human tetanus immunoglobulin.
Intubate and ventilate if nec.
two doses 6 wks apart
third dose 6 mths later
Boosters every 10 yrs or 5 yrs if major wound.
In-wound management (see Table T2).