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Babies usually cut their teeth from 6 mths until 2–3 yrs, with discomfort usually caused by the molars (ages 1–3).

Precautions: exclude other possible causes of irritability in a teething child (e.g. UTI, meningitis, otitis media). Teething doesn’t cause fever.


  • Reassure parents that the problem will soon settle.


Chewing soothing methods

  • Teething ring (kept cold in the refrigerator) or

  • Baby can chew on a clean, cold, lightly moistened facewasher (a piece of apple can be placed in the facewasher) or

  • Parent can massage gum with forefinger wrapped in a soft cloth or gauze pad (Ora-Sed gel can be massaged into gums every 3 h if extremely troublesome)

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