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If abnormal, refer to a sleep laboratory for assessment and management of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and other abnormalities.

If functional, give the following advice to consider.

  • Treat nasal congestion (incl. hayfever).

  • Obtain and maintain ideal weight.

  • Avoid drugs (e.g. sedatives, hypnotics, excessive alcohol and smoking).

  • Try to sleep on your side.

  • Avoid sleeping on the back. If you tend to roll onto your back at night, consider sewing tennis or ping-pong balls on back of nightwear or wear bra (with tennis balls) back to front.

  • Keep neck extended with a soft collar at night for neck problems.

  • Provide partner with appropriate ear plugs.

  • Consider a trial of an intranasal device such as the Breathing Wonder intranasal plastic insert. Your pharmacist can advise you about the range of such devices.

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