Management depends on cause (e.g. candidiasis, incontinence).
General measures (advice to patient)
Avoid overzealous washing
Take showers of no more than 5 mins duration
Do not wear pantyhose, tight jeans or tight underwear, or use tampons
Do not use vaginal douches, powders or deodorants
Use aqueous cream or Cetaphil lotion rather than toilet soap
After the toilet wipe gently with a soft, non-coloured, non-perfumed toilet paper or baby wipe (e.g. Dove)
Apply a good moisturiser (e.g. Hydraderm or 5% peanut oil in aqueous cream)
For pruritus apply cool moisturising cream (kept in the refrigerator) when there is an urge to scratch
A zinc-based barrier cream may prevent moisture irritation
Apply corticosteroid ointment to the rash