The broad differential diagnoses are:
Treatment The basic principle of treatment is to determine the cause of the itch and treat it accordingly. Itch of psychogenic origin responds to appropriate therapy, such as antidepressants for depression.
apply cooling measures (e.g. air-conditioning, cool swims)
avoid rough clothes
avoid known irritants
avoid overheating
avoid vasodilatation (e.g. alcohol, hot baths/showers)
treat dry skin with appropriate moisturisers (e.g. propylene glycol in aqueous cream)
topical treatment:
– emollients to lubricate skin
– local soothing lotion such as calamine, incl. menthol or phenol
– pine tar preparations (e.g. Pinetarsol)
– crotamiton cream
– consider topical corticosteroids
sedative antihistamines (not very effective for systemic pruritus)
non-sedating antihistamines during day
antidepressants or tranquillisers (if psychological cause and counselling ineffective)