The basic pathology of this very important disease complex is giant cell arteritis (synonyms: temporal arteritis; cranial arteritis). The clinical syndromes are polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis.
Clinical features of polymyalgia rheumatica
Pain and stiffness in proximal muscles of shoulder and pelvic girdle, cervical spine
Symmetrical distribution
Typical ages 60–70 yrs (rare <50)
Both sexes: more common in women
Early morning stiffness lasting >45 mins.
May be systemic symptoms: weight loss, malaise, anorexia, fever
Clinical features of temporal arteritis (TA)
New headache—unilateral, throbbing
Visual symptoms, e.g. diplopia
Temporal artery tenderness
Loss of pulsation of temporal artery
Jaw claudication
Biopsy of artery (5 cm) is diagnostic
DxT: fatigue/malaise + headache + jaw claudication → TA
No specific test for polymyalgia rheumatica
ESR—extremely high, typically >40, may be around 100; ↑ CRP
Mild anaemia (normochromic, normocytic)
Treatment (refer any patient with GCA immediately)
Starting dose: temporal arteritis usually 1 mg/kg, 60 mg average; polymyalgia rheumatica 15 mg
After 2–4 wks, taper down gradually (max. 10% wkly) to min. effective dose (often <5 mg/d) according to the clinical response and the ESR. Aim for treatment for 2 yrs: relapses are common.
Azathioprine or methotrexate can be used as steroid-sparing agents.