Uncomplicated with localised pus:
simple elevation of nail fold or puncture the fold to drain pus
advice on hygiene
oral antibiotics not usually necessary
if not responding to drainage or if more extensive, use (di)flucloxacillin
exclude diabetes
if recurrent, consider HSV (herpetic whitlow)
Loss of cuticle is fundamental to diagnosis
Usually due to a damaged cuticle (e.g. habit tic, excessive manicuring)
Culture organisms
Exclude diabetes
Minimise contact with water, soap, detergents, lipid solvents and other irritants.
Keep hands dry (avoid wet work if possible).
Wear cotton-lined gloves for max. 15 mins.
Use a mild soap and shampoo.
Topical medications to nail folds:
For Candida (if cultured):
Note: Vaseline and/or steroid ointment can be applied frequently when it is dry and without exudate.