The classic quintet of Parkinson disease:
Power, reflexes and sensation usually normal. ≥2 signs = Parkinson disease.
Don’t postpone—commence ASAP (Fig. P1). Refer for shared care.
levodopa preparation (low dose), e.g. levodopa 100 mg + carbidopa 25 mg (½ tab (o) bd—increase gradually as nec. to 1 tab tds)
amantadine 100 mg (o) daily may help younger patients or
selegiline—can be added if inadequate response
Independent but disabled (e.g. writing, movements, gait):
Disabled, dependent on others:
Note: Education and support of both patient and family essential.
Apomorphine (+ anti-emetic) effective for severe rigidity.
If cognitive impairment with psychosis: