Wash affected site with soap and water without scrubbing
Encourage bleeding
Reassure patient risk of viral infection is very low
Obtain information about and blood from the sharps victim and the source person (source of body fluid); ?Hepatitis B and C or HIV +ve
Consider exposed person’s wishes after discussing risks and benefits of treatment, including adverse effects
Note: It takes up to 3 mths to seroconvert with HIV.
Known Hepatitis B carrier source person If injured person immune—no further action.
If non-vaccinated and non-immune:
Known Hepatitis C carrier source person Follow-up HCV RNA tests at 4–6 wks and anti-HCV AB and ALT levels at 4–6 mths.
Known HIV-positive source person Refer to consultant about relative merits of drug prophylaxis and serological monitoring.
Options: double or triple antiretroviral prophylaxis within 1–2 h (check with consultant) and then for 28 days.
Unknown risk source person Take source person’s blood (if consent is given) and sharps victim’s blood for Hepatitis B (HBsAg and anti-HBs), Hepatitis C (HCV AB), HIV AB and baseline ALT testing. Begin Hepatitis B vaccination if not vaccinated.
Note: Informed consent for testing and disclosure of test results for involved person should be obtained.