Cause Minor injury causing dysfunction, incl. stiffness in facet joints.
Features of non-specific neck pain
Deep ache in neck
Pain may radiate to head or suprascapular area
Variable restriction of neck movement
X-rays usually normal. Imaging should be selected conservatively—plain X-ray is not indicated in the absense of red flags and major trauma. MRI is the investigation of choice for radiculopathy, myelopathy, suspected spinal infection and tumours.
Education with advice, such as good posture
Basic analgesics (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen)
Neck exercise program (crucial)
Cervical mobilisation by appropriately trained therapist; consider manipulation by expert (with caution) for stubborn ‘locked’ neck
Cause Degenerative disease in older persons.
Features Dull, aching neck pain with stiffness, worse in morning.
Referral for physiotherapy, incl. warm hydrotherapy
Regular mild analgesics (e.g. paracetamol)
NSAIDs: a trial for 3 wks then review (use judiciously)
Gentle mobilising exercises as early as possible
Passive mobilising techniques
Outline general rules to live by including advice re. sleeping and pillows
Torticollis (acute wry neck) means a lateral deformity of the neck and is usually a transient self-limiting, acutely painful disorder with associated muscle spasm of variable intensity. Most likely due to acute dysfunction of mid-cervical facet joints.
Pain relief—consider antispasmodics (e.g. diazepam)
Gentle mobilisation exercises
Muscle energy therapy (very effective)
Provide appropriate reassurance and patient education
Compare the problem with a sprained ankle, which is a similar injury
Inform patient that an emotional reaction of anger, frustration and temporary depression is common (lasts about 2 wks)
X-ray recommended
Rest initially but mobilise as soon as possible
Cervical collar (limit to 2 d)
Analgesics (e.g. paracetamol); avoid narcotics
NSAIDs for 2 wks
Tranquillisers, mild—up to 2 wks
Physiotherapy referral
Neck exercises (as early as possible)
Heat and massage; ‘spray and stretch’
Passive mobilisation (not manipulation)