Early diagnosis is vital to outcome. Thickness of a melanoma when it is removed is the major factor determining prognosis: it is vital to detect melanomas when they are in the thin stage and look like an unusual freckle. An irregular border or margin is characteristic of the tumour.
Change The sign of major importance is a recent change in a ‘freckle’ or mole:
change in size: at edge or thickening
change in shape
change in colour: brown, blue, black, red, white, incl. combinations
change in surface
change in the border
bleeding or ulceration
other symptoms (e.g. itching)
development of satellite nodules
lymph node involvement
Beware of the non-pigmented melanoma, esp. on the sole of the foot.
Pitfalls/traps in diagnosis
Nodular melanomas
Small melanoma
Amelanotic melanoma
Regressing melanoma
Rapidly growing melanoma
The early nodular melanoma problem The ABCD rule often does not apply. Early nodular melanomas tend to be symmetrical, non-pigmented, even in colour, small diameter, firm and grow vertically, i.e. elevated. They are often mistaken for a haemangioma or a pyogenic granuloma. Refer if suspicious.
Early diagnosis and referral to specialist unit is vital.
Surgical excision with a narrow but significant margin is the treatment.
Guidelines for excision margins:
– suspicious lesion—margin 2 mm
– melanoma in situ—margin 5–10 mm
– melanoma <1 mm thick—margin 1 cm
1–4 mm thick—margin 1–2 cm
>4 mm thick—margin 2 cm
Follow-up is based on the tumour thickness: