Lichen planus is an inflammatory disorder of unknown aetiology characterised by pruritic violaceous flat-tipped papules of the skin, mainly on the wrists and legs.
Young and middle-aged adults
4 Ps—papule, purple, polygonal, pruritic
Small, shiny, lichenified plaques, white lacy lines
Symmetrical and flat-tipped
Flexor surfaces: wrists, forearms, groin, ankles
Can affect oral mucosa—white streaks or papules or ulcers
Can affect nails, scalp and genital mucosa
Explanation and reassurance
Usually resolves over months, leaving discoloured marks without scarring
Recurrence rare
Asymptomatic lesions require no treatment
If symptomatic (e.g. itching):
Oral prednisolone if not successful or refer for expert advice