Haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine and can vary from frank bleeding (macroscopic) to the microscopic detection of red cells.
All patients presenting with macroscopic haematuria or recurrent microscopic haematuria require both radiological investigation of the upper urinary system and visualisation of the lower urinary system to detect or exclude kidney pathology. Consider it as carcinoma until proved otherwise.
The key radiological investigation is the intravenous urogram (pyelogram) and then ultrasound. Common urological cancers that cause haematuria are bladder (70%), kidney (17%), pelvis or ureter (7%) and prostate (5%).
The commonest cause of glomerulonephritis leading to nephritic syndrome is IgA nephropathy.
DxT: haematuria + dysmorphic RBCs/casts + one of hypertension, proteinuria, oedema + oliguria + ↑ s. creatinine → acute nephritic syndrome