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Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection of sufficient quality for satisfactory intercourse. It does not refer to ejaculation, fertility or libido. Look for a cause (e.g. psychogenic, hormonal—uncommon, drug-induced, vascular disease).

Investigations First-line blood tests:

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• testosterone

?androgen deficiency

• thyroxine


• prolactin


• luteinising hormone

?pituitary function

• fasting blood glucose

Others: nocturnal penile tumescence, LFTs, esp. GGT (alcohol effect)


Treat cause. If psychogenic, refer for personal or sexual counselling.

If androgen deficiency stepwise trial:

  1. oral: testosterone undecanoate (Andriol)

  2. IM: testosterone enanthate (Primoteston Depot) or testosterone esters (Sustanon)

  3. subcutaneous implantation: testosterone implants (last 5–6 mths)

If functional: oral mediation (PDE-5 inhibitors)

  • sildenafil (Viagra) 50–100 mg (o) ½–1 h before sex

  • tadalafil (Cialis) 10–20 mg (o) 1–2 h before sex

  • vardenafil (Levitra) 10–20 mg (o) ½–1 h before sex

  • avanafil (Spedra) 100–200 mg (o) 15–30 mins before sex

If erection >2 hrs take 2 × 60 mg pseudoephedrine tabs.

Avoid in those on nitrates for angina.

Intrapenile injection prostaglandin E (alprostadil):

  • intracavernosal injections

  • self-administered after supervised teaching

  • max. of 3/wk (use 2 pseudoephedrine tabs for prolonged erection >2 h)

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