Encopresis is the involuntary passage of formed or semi-formed stools into clothing occurring repeatedly for at least 1 month, in children 4 yrs and over. Inadequate toileting and poor diet are features. The key feature is significant faecal retention → rectal dilatation. PR reveals poor anal tone, capacious rectum overload with firm faeces.
History incl. development
Examination incl. check underwear
Consider abdominal X-ray (serves as baseline)
Management The majority are cured with the following strategies. The initial task is to empty the bowel of faeces (can take months).
Stool softener (e.g. paraffin oil) 20–40 mL daily
Macrogol 3350 (Movicol) sachets 1 bd day 1, 2 bd day 2, 3 bd day 3 and so on until desired result
Consider Microlax enema, then Senokot granules, one teaspoon daily
If severe faecal impaction:
If unsuccessful, sodium phosphate (Fleet) enema (not <2 y)
If oral medication refused, sodium sulphate (ColonLYTLEY) via naso-gastric tube.
Ongoing interest and support (critical)
Education and counselling
A good normal diet, adequate fluids and exercise
Structured toileting program (e.g. regular sitting on toilet for at least 10 mins, 3 times/d after each meal)
Regular follow-up with encouragement, e.g. star-chart diary
Avoid punitive methods, criticism and undue focus on the problem
Consider encopresis clinic if problematic