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Dry mouth (xerostomia) is a symptom rather than a disease affecting 10% of the population.

Features include a burning sensation, a decrease in taste or a bad taste and fetid breath.

The commonest primary cause is salivary gland atrophy due to ageing. Secondary causes are drugs (very common), Sjögren syndrome, depression, anxiety, thirst, dehydration and anaemia.


  • Treat identifiable cause

  • Meticulous oral hygiene

  • Regular dental checks

  • Sip sugarless fluids often

  • Chew sugarless gum

  • Use a saliva substitute (e.g. Saliva Orthana, Aquae) or frequent mouthwashes (e.g. lemon and glycerin 5–10 mL in 100 mL water)

  • Use sodium fluoride 0.5% mouthwash for 5 mins each day

  • Topical applications of glycerin or paraffin oil to the lips

Note: Dry eyes + dry mouth + arthritis → Sjögren syndrome.

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