Dry mouth (xerostomia) is a symptom rather than a disease affecting 10% of the population.
Features include a burning sensation, a decrease in taste or a bad taste and fetid breath.
The commonest primary cause is salivary gland atrophy due to ageing. Secondary causes are drugs (very common), Sjögren syndrome, depression, anxiety, thirst, dehydration and anaemia.
Treat identifiable cause
Meticulous oral hygiene
Regular dental checks
Sip sugarless fluids often
Chew sugarless gum
Use a saliva substitute (e.g. Saliva Orthana, Aquae) or frequent mouthwashes (e.g. lemon and glycerin 5–10 mL in 100 mL water)
Use sodium fluoride 0.5% mouthwash for 5 mins each day
Topical applications of glycerin or paraffin oil to the lips
Note: Dry eyes + dry mouth + arthritis → Sjögren syndrome.