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Precautions: treat cause (if known), e.g. tetanus, drugs, sodium depletion, hypothyroidism, dehydration.


  • Muscle stretching and relaxation exercises (see Fig. C14): stretch calf for 3 mins before retiring then rest in chair with the feet out horizontally to the floor with cushion under tendoachilles (10 mins)

  • Massage and heat to affected muscles

  • Try to keep bedclothes off feet and lower part of legs—use a doubled-up pillow at the foot of the bed

  • Tonic water before retiring may help

Figure C14

Leg-stretching exercise for cramp


Usually unsatisfactory but consider:

  • Magnesium Co tab (e.g. ‘Crampeze’): poor scientific evidence but solid anecedotal support or

  • Biperiden 2–4 mg nocte

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