Attributing cough due to bronchial carcinoma in a smoker to ‘smoker’s cough’
Overlooking TB, esp. in the elderly, by equating symptoms to old age, bronchitis or even smoking
Overlooking the fact that bronchial carcinoma can develop in a patient with other pulmonary conditions such as chronic bronchitis
Being slow to order a chest X-ray
Red flag pointers for cough
Key history Determine the nature of the cough, especially associated symptoms such as the nature of the sputum, breathlessness, wheezing and constitutional symptoms. Haemoptysis (adults): see Table C11. History of smoking habits, past and present, and occupational history are essential. Past history, especially respiratory and drug intake.
General examination, including a search for enlarged cervical or axillary glands
Careful examination of the lungs and cardiovascular system with inspection of sputum
More applicable if haemoptysis.
Sputum cytology and culture
Pulmonary function tests
Plain CXR and other as appropriate
Other tests (e.g. CT, bronchoscopy, ECG, echocardiogram, ventilation/perfusion scan, CT pulmonary angiogram), according to clinical findings
Disorders not to be missed are:
Several clinicians describe the catarrhal child syndrome as the commonest cause of cough. This refers to children who develop a ...