Cough and sputum (main symptoms)
Wheeze and dyspnoea (fever or haemoptysis uncommon)
Usually viral infection
Can complicate chronic bronchitis usu. due to Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae
Scattered wheezes on auscultation ± fever or haemoptysis (uncommon)
Outcome Improves spontaneously in 4–8 d in healthy patients.
Symptomatic treatment
Inhaled bronchodilators for airflow limitation
Antibiotics usually not needed, esp. if previously healthy
Use antibiotics if evidence of acute bacterial infection with fever, purulent sputum (e.g. amoxicillin 500 mg tds for 5 d; use doxycycline 200 mg stat, then 100 mg/d for 5 d if mycoplasma suspected)
Definition: chronic productive cough for at least 3 successive mths in 2 successive years:
See COPD ( 135)