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Body odour is caused by poor hygiene, excessive perspiration and active skin bacteria. Axilla and groin are the main focus.

Precautions Consider uraemia, vaginitis.


  • Scrub body, esp. groins and axillae, with deodorant soap at least morning and night

  • Try an antibacterial surgical scrub

  • Keep clothes clean, regular laundry

  • Choose suitable clothes—natural fibres (e.g. cotton) not synthetics

  • Use an antiperspirant deodorant

  • Alternative soap—pine soap

  • Diet: avoid garlic, fish, curry, onions, asparagus

  • Reduce caffeine (coffee, tea and cola drinks), which stimulates sweat activity

  • Consider a sugar-free diet

  • Shave or remove axillary hair

  • Consider injections of botulinum toxin for excessive perspiration (image 399)

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