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This is classified into two types:

  • Anterior blepharitis—staphylococcal

  • Posterior blepharitis—seborrhoeic and rosacea (more common)


  • Consider referral

  • Eyelid hygiene is the basis of therapy for both types—clean with a cotton bud dipped in 1:10 dilution of baby shampoo or sodium bicarbonate solution or clean warm water, once or twice daily. Another strategy is to apply a warm water or saline soak or compress with gauze for 5 mins

  • Artificial tears (e.g. hypromellose 1%) for dry eyes; avoid make-up and contact lenses

  • Control scalp seborrhoea with medicated shampoos (e.g. ketoconazole)

  • If persistent: short-term use of hydrocortisone 0.5% ointment

  • If facial rosacea: doxycycline 100 mg (o) bd for 4–8 wks

  • If infected (S. aureus): tetracycline 1%, framycetin 0.5% or chloramphenicol 1% ointment to lid margins 3–6 hrly for 4 wks and review

  • If not controlled or lid abscesses: di(flu)cloxacillin or doxycycline

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