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Associations to consider:

  • blood dyscrasia, denture pressure, Crohn disease, coeliac disease pernicious anaemia, Behçet disease, iron deficiency, excessive stress

Minor ulcers: <5 mm in diameter—last 5–10 d

Major ulcers: >8 mm in diameter—last weeks and heal with scarring. Refer a non-healing ulcer for biopsy within 3 wks of presentation.

Treatment methods (use early when ulcer worse) Consider applying a wet, squeezed-out, black teabag directly to the ulcer regularly (the tannic acid promotes healing).

Symptomatic relief

  • Apply topical lignocaine gel or paint (e.g. SM-33 adult paint formula or SM-33 gel [children] every 3 h). If applied before meals, eating is facilitated or

  • Eutectic EMLA cream 5 g applied on a cotton bud for 5 mins

Healing One of the following methods can be chosen:

  • Triamcinolone 0.1% (Kenalog in orabase) paste apply 8 hrly and nocte (preferred method) or

  • Hydrocortisone lozenges dissolved on ulcer qid or

  • Beclomethasone dipropionate spray onto ulcer tds or

  • Dissolve 1 g sucralfate in 20–30 mL of warm water. Use this as a mouth wash

Major ulceration—consider:

  • oral prednisolone 25 mg/d 5–7 days or

  • injection of steroids into base of ulcer

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