Duncan ill with very bad piles—operated on last night, or, since that sounds alarming, lanced. Can’t really sympathise with that particular disease, though the pain is terrible. Must laugh.
Anorectal problems are common in family practice and tend to cause anxiety that is often related to the fear of cancer. Although the majority of rectal bleeding and lumps have non-cancerous causes, the fear of cancer may be well founded, so it is important to consider it in any presentation of rectal bleeding.
Anorectal problems include:
Common anorectal conditions are illustrated in FIGURE 26.1.
The complaint may be that defecation is painful or almost impossible because of anorectal pain.
anal fissure
anal herpes
ulcerative proctitis
proctalgia fugax
solitary rectal ulcer
perianal haematoma
strangulated internal haemorrhoids
abscess: perianal, ischiorectal
pilonidal sinus
fistula-in-ano (intermittent)
anal carcinoma
Anal fissures cause pain on defecation and usually develop after a period of constipation (may be a brief period) and tenesmus. Other associations are childbirth and opioid analgesics.1 Sometimes the pain can be excruciating, persisting for hours and radiating down the back of both legs. Anal fissures, especially if chronic, can cause minor anorectal bleeding (bright blood) noted as spotting on the toilet paper.
On inspection the anal fissure is usually seen in the anal margin—90% are situated in the midline posteriorly (6 o’clock). The fissure appears as an elliptical ulcer involving the lower third of the anus from the dentate line to the anal verge (see FIG. 26.2).1
Digital examination and sigmoidoscopy are difficult because of painful anal sphincter spasm. If there are multiple fissures, Crohn disease should be suspected. Crohn fissures look different, being indurated, oedematous and bluish in colour.
In chronic anal fissures a sentinel pile is common and in longstanding cases, a subcutaneous fistula is seen at the anal margin, with fibrosis and anal stenosis.1
Red flag pointers for anorectal pain
The aim is to disrupt the cycle of ...