An acute multisystemic vasculitis of unknown aetiology (? infective) in children usually <5 yrs presenting with an acute febrile illness. Typically targets coronary arteries.
Diagnostic features and criteria
Fever persisting for more than 5 d plus at least 4 of:
bilateral conjunctival congestion (non-purulent)
Mucous membrane changes—dryness, redness and cracking of the lips ± erythema of tongue, buccal mucosa
maculopapular polymorphic rash esp. trunk, genitalia
cervical lymphadenopathy >1.5 cm usu. unilaterial
erythema and swelling of palms and soles
Followed by desquamation of fingertips (a characteristic)
Diagnosis with 5/6 features or 4/6 plus evidence of coronary aneurysm (plus exclusion of other diseases). It is a clinical diagnosis.
Above features may be variable/incomplete and not all present concurrently.
No specific test but elevated ESR, neutrophilia, thrombocytosis and various +ve antibody tests (e.g. antiendothelial cell). Generally benign and self-limiting but early diagnosis is important to prevent life-threatening complications, esp. coronary aneurysms (15–30% in untreated) and also myocardial infarction, pericarditis and myocarditis.
Echocardiography and ECG are indicated
Treat with aspirin (start ASAP) and high-dose IV normal gammaglobulin.
Corticosteroid use is controversial; check with consultant if necessary.
Most children recover and the overall mortality is <3%; often benign and self limiting
Various treatment methods
Prevention: Avoid procedures on Keloid-prone individuals. Use compression and silicone dressings.
Management of scarring: options
Intradermal injection of corticosteroids in early stages (most commonly used, several might be required)
Silicon sheets/gels applied over long periods
Potent topical corticosteroids (best under occlusion)
Intralesional cytotoxics (e.g. fluorouracil)
Liquid nitrogen may help flatten keloid
Laser (pulse dye laser) may help reduce redness
Consider re-excision of hypertrophic scarring
Remove by excision perform biopsy (at least 2–3 mm margin)
If clinically certain—curettage/diathermy
Treat as SCC (by excision) if on lip/ear
Note: Can be misdiagnosed instead of SCC.
Seborrhoeic keratoses
Usually nil apart from reassurance
Does not undergo malignant change
Can be removed for cosmetic reasons
Light cautery to small facial lesions
May drop off spontaneously
If diagnosis uncertain, remove for histopathology
Decolourisation or removal:
liquid nitrogen (regular applications, e.g. every 3 wks) or
concentrated phenol solution (with care) repeat in 3 wks or
trichloracetic acid: apply to surface and instil with multiple small needle pricks (25 g). Repeat twice wkly for 2 wks.