The skilful doctor knows by observation, the mediocre doctor by interrogation, the ordinary doctor by palpation.
The diagnosis of skin problems depends on astute clinical skills based on a systematic history and examination and, of course, experience. If the diagnosis is in doubt, it is appropriate to refer the patient to a skilled cooperative consultant, as the referral process is an excellent educational opportunity for the GP. Another opinion from a colleague/s in a group practice is also very educative. At least, cross-referencing the skin lesion with a colour atlas facilitates the learning process.
Macule. Circumscribed area of altered skin colour (Latin for stain) without elevation <1 cm diameter (see FIG. 119.1).
Patch. Macule of >1 cm diameter (see FIG. 119.1).
Papule. Palpable mass on skin surface <0.5 cm diameter (see FIG. 119.2).
Maculopapule. A raised and discoloured circumscribed lesion.
Nodule. Circumscribed palpable mass >0.5 cm diameter (see FIG. 119.2).
Plaque. A flat-topped palpable mass >1 cm diameter.
Wheal. An area of dermal oedema (can be any size), which is pale and compressible.
Angio-oedema. A diffuse area of oedema extending into subcutaneous tissue.
Vesicle. A fluid-filled blister <0.5 cm in diameter (see FIG. 119.3).
Bulla. A vesicle >0.5 cm diameter (see FIG. 119.3).
Pustule. A visible collection of pus in the skin <1 cm diameter.
Abscess. A localised collection of pus in a cavity >1 cm diameter.
Furuncle. A purulent infected hair follicle; includes:
Carbuncle. A cluster of boils discharging through several openings.
Purpura. A circumscribed deposit of blood >0.5 cm in diameter. May be macular or papular.
Petechiae. Purpuric lesions <0.5 cm in diameter.
Ecchymosis. Larger purpuric lesion.
Haematoma. A swelling from gross bleeding.
Telangiectasia. Visible dilatation of small cutaneous blood vessels.
Comedo. A plug of keratin and sebum in a dilated pilosebaceous gland.
‘Blackhead’. An open comedo.
‘Whitehead’. A closed comedo.
Erythema. Redness of the skin due to increased vascularity.
Milium. Tiny white cyst containing keratin, from occlusion of pilosebaceous gland.
Papilloma. Warty projection above the skin surface.
Scales. An accumulation of excess keratin that presents as flaking.
Crusts (scabs). Superficial dried secretions (serum and exudate).
Ulcer. A circumscribed deep defect ...