AAA | abdominal aortic aneurysm |
AAFP | American Academy of Family Physicians |
ABA | Australian Breastfeeding Association |
ABC | airway, breathing, circulation |
ABCD | airway, breathing, circulation, dextrose |
ABFP | American Board of Family Practice |
ABI | ankle brachial index |
ABO | A, B and O blood groups |
AC | air conduction |
AC | acromioclavicular |
ACAH | autoimmune chronic active hepatitis |
ACE | angiotensin-converting enzyme |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament |
ACR | albumin creatine ratio |
ACTH | adrenocorticotrophic hormone |
AD | aortic dissection |
AD | autosomal dominant |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ADT | adult diphtheria vaccine |
AF | atrial fibrillation |
AFI | amniotic fluid index |
AFP | alpha-fetoprotein |
AI | aortic incompetence |
AICD | automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AIIRA | angiotension II(2) reuptake antagonist |
AKF | acute kidney failure |
ALE | average life expectancy |
ALL | acute lymphocytic leukaemia |
ALP | alkaline phosphatase |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase |
ALTE | apparent life-threatening episode |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction |
AML | acute myeloid leukaemia |
ANA | antinuclear antibody |
ANCI | antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody |
ANF | antinuclear factor |
a/n/v | anorexia/nausea/vomiting |
AP | anterior–posterior |
APF | Australian pharmaceutical formulary |
APH | ante-partum haemorrhage |
APTT | activated partial thromboplastin time |
AR | autosomal recessive |
ARB | Angiotension II receptor blocker |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARDS | adult respiratory distress syndrome |
ARR | absolute risk reduction |
ART | anti retroviral therapy |
ASD | atrial septal defect |
ASIS | anterior superior iliac spine |
ASOT | antistreptolysin 0 titre |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase |
ATFL | anterior talofibular ligament |
AV | atrioventricular |
AVM | arteriovenous malformation |
AZT | azidothymidine |
BC | bone conduction |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma |
BCG | bacille Calmette–Guérin |
bDMARDs | biological disease modifying antirheumatic drugs |
BMD | bone mass density |
BMI | body mass index |
BNP | B-type natriuretic peptide |
BOO | bladder outlet obstruction |
BP | blood pressure |
BPH | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
BPPV | benign paroxysmal positional vertigo |
BSE | breast self-examination |
Ca | carcinoma |
CABG | coronary artery bypass grafting |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CAP | community acquired pneumonia |
CBE | clinical breast examination |
CBT | cognitive behaviour therapy |
CCB | calcium channel blocker |
CCF | congestive cardiac failure |
CCP | cyclic citrinullated peptide |
CCT | controlled clinical trial |
CCU | coronary care unit |
CD4 | T helper cell |
CD8 | T suppressor cell |
CDT | combined diphtheria/tetanus vaccine |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen |
CFL | calcaneofibular ligament |
CFS | chronic fatigue syndrome |
cfu | colony forming unit |
CHC | combined hormonal contraception |
CHD | coronary heart disease |
CHF | chronic heart failure |
CI | confidence interval |
CIN | cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
CJD | Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease |
CK | creatinine kinase |
CK–MB | creatinine kinase–myocardial bound fraction |
CKD | chronic kidney disease |
CKF | chronic kidney failure |
CMC | carpometacarpal |
CML | chronic myeloid leukaemia |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CNS | central nervous system |
co | compound |
COAD | chronic obstructive airways disease |
COC | combined oral contraceptive |
COCP | combined oral contraceptive pill |
COMT | catechol-O-methyl transferase |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COX | cyclooxygenase |
CPA | cardiopulmonary arrest |
CPAP | continuous positive airways pressure |
CPK | creatine phosphokinase |
CPPD | calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CPS | complex partial seizures |
CR | controlled release |
CRD | computerised reference database system |
CREST | calcinosis cutis; Raynaud's phenomenon; oesophageal involvement; sclerodactyly; telangiectasia |
CRF | chronic renal failure |
CRFM | chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria |
CRH | corticotrophin-releasing hormone |
CR(K)F | chronic renal (kidney) failure |
CRP | C-reactive protein |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CSFM | chloroquine-sensitive falciparum malaria |
CSIs | COX-2 specific inhibitors |
CSU | catheter specimen of urine |
CT | computerised tomography |
CTD | connective tissue disorder |
CTG | cardiotocograph |
CTS | carpal tunnel syndrome |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
CVS | cardiovascular system |
CXR | chest X-ray |
DAA | direct acting antivirals |
DBP | diastolic blood pressure |
DC | direct current |
DDAVP | desmopressin acetate |
DDH | developmental dysplasia of the hip |
DDP | dipeptidyl peptidase |
DEXA | dual energy X-ray absorptiometry |
DHA | docosahexaenoic acid |
DHEA | dihydroepiandrosterone |
DI | diabetes insipidus |
DIC | disseminated intravascular coagulation |
DIDA | di-imino diacetic acid |
DIMS | disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep |
DIP | distal interphalangeal |
dL | decilitre |
DMARDs | disease modifying antirheumatic drugs |
DNA | deoxyribose-nucleic acid |
DOM | direction of movement |
DRE | digital rectal examination |
DRABC | defibrillation, resuscitation, airway, breathing, circulation |
drug | bd—twice daily |
dosage | tid, tds—three times daily; qid—four times daily |
ds | double strand |
DS | double strength |
DSM | diagnostic and statistical manual (of mental disorders) |
DU | duodenal ulcer |
DUB | dysfunctional uterine bleeding |
DVT | deep venous thrombosis |
DxT | diagnostic triad |
EAR | expired air resuscitation |
EBM | Epstein–Barr mononucleosis (glandular fever) |
EBNA | Epstein–Barr nuclear antigen |
EBV | Epstein–Barr virus |
ECC | external chest compression |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy |
ED | emergency department |
EDD | expected due date |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
ELISA | enzyme linked immunosorbent assay |
EMG | electromyogram |
ENA | extractable nuclear antigen |
EO | ethinyloestradiol |
EPA | eicosapentaenoic acid |
EPL | extensor pollicis longus |
EPS | expressed prostatic secretions |
ER | external rotation |
ESRF | end-stage renal failure |
ESR(K)F | end stage renal (kidney) failure |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
esp. | especially |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ET | embryo transfer |
ETT | endotracheal tube |
FAD | familial Alzheimer disease |
FAI | femeroacetabular impingement |
FAP | familial adenomatous polyposis |
FB | foreign body |
FBE | full blood count |
FDIU | fetal death in utero |
FDL | flexor digitorum longus |
FEV1 | forced expiratory volume in 1 second |
FHL | flexor hallucis longus |
fL | femto-litre (10−15) |
FRAX | fracture risk assessment tool |
FRC | functional residual capacity |
FSH | follicle stimulating hormone |
FTA–ABS | fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test |
FTT | failure to thrive |
FUO | fever of undetermined origin |
FVC | forced vital capacity |
FXS | fragile X syndrome |
g | gram |
GA | general anaesthetic |
GABHS | group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus |
GBS | Guillain–Barré syndrome |
GCA | giant cell arteritis |
GESA | Gastroenterological Society of Australia |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate |
GGT | gamma-glutamyl transferase |
GHJ | glenohumeral joint |
GI | glycaemic index |
GIFT | gamete intrafallopian transfer |
GIT | gastrointestinal tract |
GLP | glucagon-like peptide |
GnRH | gonadotrophin-releasing hormone |
GO | gastro-oesophageal |
GORD | gastro-oesophageal reflux |
GP | general practitioner |
G-6-PD | glucose-6-phosphate |
GSI | genuine stress incontinence |
GU | gastric ulcer |
GV | growth velocity |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
anti-HAV | hepatitis A antibody |
Hb | haemoglobin |
HbA | haemoglobin A |
anti-HBc | hepatitis B core antibody |
HBeAg | hepatitis Be antigen |
anti-HBs | hepatits B surface antibody |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
anti-HCV | hepatitis C virus antibody |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein |
HDV | hepatitis D (Delta) virus |
HEV | hepatitis E virus |
HFA | hydrofluoro alkane |
HFM | hand, foot and mouth |
HFV | hepatitis F virus |
HGV | hepatitis G virus |
HHC | hereditary haemochromatosis |
HIDA | hydroxy iminodiacetic acid |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HLA-B27 | human leucocyte antigen |
HMGCoA | hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA |
HNPCC | hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer |
HPV | human papilloma virus |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
HSIL | high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion |
HSP | Henoch–Schönlein purpura |
HSV | herpes simplex viral infection |
H | hypertension |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome |
ICE | ice, compression, elevation |
ICHPPC | International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care |
ICS | inhaled corticosteroid |
ICS | intercondylar separation |
ICSI | intracytoplasmic sperm injection |
ICT | immunochromatographic test |
IDDM | insulin dependent diabetes mellitus |
IDU | injecting drug user |
IgE | immunoglobulin E |
IgG | immunoglobulin G |
IgM | immunoglobulin M |
IGRA | interferon gamma release assay |
IHD | ischaemic heart disease |
IHS | International Headache Society |
IM, IMI | intramuscular injection |
IMS | intermalleolar separation |
inc. | including |
INCS | intranasal corticosteroids |
INR | international normalised ratio |
IOC | International Olympic Committee |
IOFB | intraocular foreign body |
IP | interphalangeal |
IPPV | intermittent positive pressure variation |
IR | internal rotation or immediate release |
ITP | idiopathic (or immune) thrombocytopenia purpura |
IUCD | intrauterine contraceptive device |
IUGR | intrauterine growth retardation |
IV | intravenous |
IVF | in-vitro fertilisation |
IVI | intravenous injection |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
JCA | juvenile chronic arthritis |
JVP | jugular venous pulse |
KA | keratoacanthoma |
KFT | kidney function test |
kg | kilogram |
KOH | potassium hydroxide |
KUB-scan | kidney ureter bladder scan |
LA | local anaesthetic |
LABA | long acting beta agonist |
LBBB | left branch bundle block |
LBO | large bowel obstruction |
LBP | low back pain |
LCR | ligase chain reaction |
LDH/LH | lactic dehydrogenase |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LFTs | liver function tests |
LH | luteinising hormone |
LHRH | luteinising hormone releasing hormone |
LIF | left iliac fossa |
LLS | lumbar spinal canal stenosis |
LMN | lower motor neurone |
LNG | levonorgestrel |
LPC | liquor picis carbonis |
LRTI | lower respiratory tract infection |
LSD | lysergic acid |
LSIL | low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
LUT | lower urinary tract |
LUTS | lower urinary tract symptoms |
LV | left ventricular |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy |
MAIS | Mycobacterium avium intracellulare or M. sacrofulaceum |
mane | in morning |
MAOI | monoamine oxidase inhibitor |
MAST | medical anti-shock trousers |
MB | myocardial base |
mcg | micrograms (also μg) |
MCL | medial collateral ligament |
MCP | metacarpal phalangeal |
MCU | microscopy and culture of urine |
MCV | mean corpuscular volume |
MDI | metered dose inhaler |
MDMA | methylenedioxymethamphetamine |
MDR | multi-drug resistant TB |
MG | myaesthenia gravis |
MHT | menopause hormone therapy |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MIC | mitral incompetence |
MID | minor intervertebral derangement |
MMSE | mini mental state examination |
MND | motor neurone disease |
MRCP | magnetic resonance cholangiography |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus |
MS | multiple sclerosis |
MSM | men who have sex with men |
MSST | maternal serum screening test |
MSU | midstream urine |
MTP | metatarsophalangeal |
MVA | motor vehicle accident |
N | normal |
N saline | normal saline |
NAAT | nucleic acid amplification technology |
NAD | no abnormality detected |
NET | norethisterone |
NF | neurofibromatosis |
NGU | non-gonococcal urethritis |
NHL | non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
NH&MRC | National Health and Medical |
| Research Council |
NIDDM | non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus |
NNT | numbers needed to treat |
NOAC | new oral anticoagulants |
nocte | at night |
NR | normal range |
NRT | nicotine replacement therapy |
NSAIDs | non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
NSCLC | non-small cell lung cancer |
NSU | non-specific urethritis |
NTT | nuchal translucency test |
NVDPA | National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance |
(o) | taken orally |
OA | osteoarthritis |
OCP | oral contraceptive pill |
OGTT | oral glucose tolerance test |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnoea |
OSD | Osgood–Schlatter disorder |
OT | occupational therapist |
OTC | over the counter |
PA | posterior–anterior |
PAN | polyarteritis nodosa |
Pap | Papanicolaou |
PBG | porphobilinogen |
PBS | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme |
pc | after meals |
PCA | percutaneous continuous analgesia |
PCB | post coital bleeding |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention |
PCL | posterior cruciate ligament |
PCOS | polycystic ovarian syndrome |
PCP | pneumocystitis pneumonia |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PCV | packed cell volume |
PD | Parkinson disease |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus |
PDD | pervasive development disorders |
PEF | peak expiratory flow |
PEFR | peak expiratory flow rate |
PET | pre-eclamptic toxaemia |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PFO | patent foramen ovale |
PFT | pulmonary function test |
PGL | persistent generalised lymphadenopathy |
PH | past history |
PHR | personal health record |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PIP | proximal interphalangeal |
PKU | phenylketonuria |
PLISSIT | permission: limited information: specific suggestion: intensive therapy |
PLMs | periodic limb movements |
PMDD | premenstrual dysphoric disorder |
PMS | premenstrual syndrome |
PMT | premenstrual tension |
PaO2 | partial pressure oxygen (arterial blood) |
POP | plaster of Paris |
POP | progestogen-only pill |
PPI | proton-pump inhibitor |
PPROM | preterm premature rupture of membranes |
PR | per rectum |
prn | as and when needed |
PRNG | penicillin-resistant gonococci |
PROM | premature rupture of membranes |
PSA | prostate specific antigen |
PSGN | post streptococcal glomerulonephritis |
PSIS | posterior superior iliac spine |
PSVT | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |
PT | prothrombin time |
PTC | percutaneous transhepatic |
cholangiography |
PTFL | posterior talofibular ligament |
PU | peptic ulcer |
PUO | pyrexia of undetermined origin |
PUVA | psoralen + UVA |
pv | per vagina |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease |
qds, qid | four times daily |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
RACGP | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
RAP | recurrent abdominal pain |
RBBB | right branch bundle block |
RBC | red blood cell |
RCT | randomised controlled trial |
RF | rheumatic fever |
Rh | rhesus |
RIB | rest in bed |
RICE | rest, ice, compression, elevation |
RIF | right iliac fossa |
RPR | rapid plasma reagin |
RR | relative risk |
RRR | relative risk reduction |
RSD | reflex sympathetic dystrophy |
RSI | repetition strain injury |
RSV | respiratory syncytial virus |
RT | reverse transcriptase |
rtPA | recombinant tissue plasminogen activator |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
s | serum |
SABA | short-acting beta agonist |
SAH | subarachnoid haemorrhage |
SARS | severe acute respiratory distress syndrome |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis |
SBO | small bowel obstruction |
SBP | systolic blood pressure |
SC/SCI | subcutaneous/subcutaneous injection |
SCC | squamous cell carcinoma |
SCFE | slipped capital femoral epiphysis |
SCG | sodium cromoglycate |
SCLC | small cell lung cancer |
SERM | selective estrogen receptor modulator |
SIADH | syndrome of secretion of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
SIJ | sacroiliac joint |
SL | sublingual |
SLD | specific learning disability |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
SLR | straight leg raising |
SND | sensorineural deafness |
SNHL | sensorineural hearing loss |
SNPs | single nucleotide polymorphisms |
SNRI | serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor |
SOB | shortness of breath |
SLS | salt-losing state |
sp | species |
SPA | suprapubic aspirate of urine |
SPECT | single photon emission computerised tomography |
SPF | sun penetration factor |
SR | sustained release |
SSRI | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor |
SSS | sick sinus syndrome |
statim | at once |
STI | sexually transmitted infection |
STD | sodium tetradecyl sulfate |
SUFE | slipped upper femoral epiphysis |
SVC | superior vena cava |
SVT | supraventricular tachycardia |
T3 | tri-iodothyronine |
T4 | thyroxine |
TA | temporal arteritis |
TB | tuberculosis |
TCA | tricyclic antidepressant |
tds, tid | three times daily |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
TFTs | thyroid function tests |
TG | triglyceride |
TIA | transient ischaemic attack |
TIBC | total iron binding capacity |
TM | tympanic membrane |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
TNF | tissue necrosis factor |
TOE | transoesophageal echocardiography |
TOF | tracheo-oesophageal fistula |
TORCH | toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus |
TPHA | Treponema pallidum haemaglutination test |
TSE | testicular self-examination |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
TT | thrombin time |
TUE | therapeutic use exemption |
TUIP | transurethral incision of prostate |
TURP | transurethral resection of prostate |
TV | tidal volume |
U | units |
UC | ulcerative colitis |
U & E | urea and electrolytes |
UGIB | upper gastrointestinal bleeding |
μg | microgram |
UMN | upper motor neurone |
URT | upper respiratory tract |
URTI | upper respiratory tract infection |
US | ultrasound |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
U | ultraviolet |
VAS | visual analogue scale |
VBI | vertebrobasilar insufficiency |
VC | vital capacity |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory |
VF | ventricular fibrillation |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
VPG | venous plasma glucose |
VRE | vancomycin-resistant enterococci |
VSD | ventricular septal defect |
VT | ventricular tachycardia |
VUR | vesicoureteric reflux |
VVS | vulvar vestibular syndrome |
vWD | von Willebrand's disease |
WBC | white blood cells |
WBR | white → blue → red |
WCC | white cell count |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WPW | Wolff–Parkinson–White |
XL | sex linked |