Probability diagnosis
Idiopathic: spontaneous from Little’s area
URTI: common cold/flu/sinusitis
Rhinitis: allergic and atrophic
Trauma (incl. nose picking, nose injury)
Drugs (e.g. anticoagulants, aspirin)
Serious disorders not to be missed
Pitfalls (often missed)
Vitamin deficiencies: C and K
Septal granulomas and perforations
Foreign bodies (esp. in children)
Masquerades checklist
Drugs: anticoagulants, aspirin, nasal sprays Anaemia: aplastic anaemia
Recent trauma to nose. Significant past history (e.g. hypertension). Drug and alcohol history (e.g. anticoagulants). Bleeding or bruising tendency.
Nasal airways and sinuses
Skin for evidence of purpura or ecchymoses
Lymph node areas and abdomen for hepatosplenomegaly
Vital signs (esp. blood pressure)
clotting studies
sinus X-ray
CT scan (occasionally).
Recent onset of persistent bleeding in elderly points to carcinoma.
Severe epistaxis is often caused by liver disease coagulopathy.
Difficult-to-control posterior bleeding is a feature of the hypertensive elderly.